
1 Update

$ opam update
$ opam upgrade coq

2 Coqdoc (documentation)

$ find . -name "*.v" > allfiles
$ coqdoc --html --directory index -Q . Coq --files-from allfiles --table-of-contents
$ rm allfiles
  • find . -name *.v > allfiles puts names of all .v files in this directory and its subdirectories (recursively) on the file allfiles

  • --html indicates that outputs are html files. index.html will be generated along the way.

  • --directory index~ indicates that the output files are put in ./index directory

  • --Q . Coq means that files in ./A/B directories, i.e., files ./A/B/C.v, are named as Coq.A.B.C (What is difference between -Q and -R?)

  • --files-from allfiles indicates that coqdoc works on every files listed on allfiles

  • --table-of-contents makes the table of contents, toc.html, according to the order of files in allfiles

4 Terms

  • *qualified identifier* Example. “A.B.C” means an identifier C is qualified by B that is qualified by A.

5 Gallina

  • match t with c1\(\Rightarrow\) e1| c2\(\Rightarrow\) e2|...| c1\(\Rightarrow\) elend

  • if t then e1else e2is equivalent to match t with true \(\Rightarrow\) e1| false \(\Rightarrow\) e2end

  • fun n:nat => (n*n*n)%nat is a function of type nat -> nat and has the same meaning as

    • λ n:nat. n*n*n in typed λ-calculus

    • fun (n:nat) -> n*n*n in ocaml

  • the followings are all equivalent

    • fun n:nat => fun p:nat => fun z:Z => (Z_of_nat(n+p)+z)%Z

    • fun n p:nat => fun z:Z => (Z_of_nat(n+p)+z)%Z

    • fun (n p:nat) (z:Z) => (Z_of_nat(n+p)+z)%Z

  • let v:= t1 in t2 where v is an identifier and t1 and t2 are expression is the local binding (λv.t2) that will evaluated as ((λv.t2) t1) then t2[v/t1] after the β-reduction.

6 Vernacular Command

  • Require Import ``Coq.Unicode.Utf8.``

  • Require Import ``Arith.``

  • Require Import ``ZArith.``

  • Require Import ``Bool.``

  • Print Libraries

  • Open Scope ``Z_scope.``

  • Close Scope ``Z_scope.``

  • Open Scope ``nat_scope.``

  • Set ``Printing Notations.``

  • Unset ``Printing Notations.``

  • Reset Initial

  • Reset ``id``

  • The followings all have the same meaning

    • Definition cube := fun z:Z => z*z*z

    • Definition cube (z:Z):Z := z*z*z

    • Definition cube z := z*z*z

  • Eval compute in (h 56 78) when h:nat->nat->nat evaluate h(56,78). Eval compute is synomym for Eval cbv iota beta zeta delta.

  • Locate "_ * _"

  • Hypothesis ``h:P``

  • Variables ``h:P``

  • Axiom ``h:P``

  • Parameter ``x:P``

  • Theorem Lemma

  • Proof

  • Qed build the proof term corresponding to the sequence of tactics, check the term’s type is the initial statement, save this new theorem as a definition liking to the theorem name, its statement (i.e., type), and the proof term.

  • Print ``something``

  • Reset ``something``

  • Section ``proof_of_something`` End ``proof_of_something``

  • SearchPattern ``(_ + _ <= _)%Z.``

  • Show 7 show 7th subgoal.

  • Restart restart the proof.

  • Abort abort the proof.

  • Identity Coercion id : C >-> D

  • Fixpoint f (a:T) := expr defines a function on a variable a recursively.

    Fixpoint mult2 (n:nat):nat :=
      match n with
      | 0 => 0
      | S p => S (S (mult2 p))
  • Fixpoint f (a1:T1) ... (ap:Tp) {struct ai}: T := expr defines a function with variables a1,…, ap that is recursively defined on the variable ai

    Fixpoint plus (n m:nat) {struct n}:nat :=
      match n with
      | 0 => m
      | S p => S (plus p m)
    Fixpoint iterate (A:Set)(f:A -> A)(n:nat)(x:A){struct n}:A :=
      match n with
      | 0 => x
      | S p => f (iterate A f p x)

7 Tactic

  • tac1; tac2; ...; tacn combination of tactics

  • tac; [tac1|tac2|...|tacn] exactly n goals are generated so apply tactic taci to the ~i~th subgoal

  • tac || tac' apply tac and if it fails, apply tac'

  • idtac leaves the goal as it is and always succeeds

  • fail alwas fail. tac; fail fails only when tac generates new goals

  • try tac behaves like tac || idtac

  • intros add hypotheses

  • apply H apply hypothesis H to the current goal

  • assumption the statement to prove is exactly the statement of the hypothesis

  • exact similar to assumption but global

  • auto

  • cut suppose we have hypotheses (H:P->Q) (H0:Q->R) (H1:(P->R)->T->Q) (H2:(P->R)->T) To prove Q, we can see that P->R is easy to prove by H and H0, and from P->R it is easy to finish the proof by H1 and H2. So once the goal Q is generated, we first make an assumption that P->R that is to be proved later by cut P->R that generates (P->Q)->R so that we can intro the term for P->Q

  • assert opposite of cut. In the example for cut, we can first assert P->R and prove it, then use it to prove Q later.

  • unfold lt

  • reflexivity when a goal is a=a. this is synonym to apply refl_equal

  • left when a goal is a \/ (b), prove it by proving a

  • right when a goal is a \/ (b), prove it by priving b

  • elim t when t:T where T is inductive type, then elim t as the same as pattern t; apply T_ind or T_rec, or etc depending the goal sort. If t= b|c and if the goal is t -> d this eliminate a to produce subgoals b->d and c->d

  • elim t using T_ind2 same as elim t but t does need to be an inductive type as long as T_ind is of the form of an induction principle which has the form ∀P:T→S, P t1→P t2→...→(∀t:T, P t).

  • pattern m when we want to prove m:month m=Jan ... m=Dec, we can use pattern m to convert the goal into (λm0:month, m0=Jan ... m0=Dec) m to use month_ind that is of the form ∀P:month→Prop, P Jan ... P Dec ∀m:month, P m.

  • induction ``v`` is similar to intros until ``v`` ; elim ``v`` follwed by a collection of intros in each branch

  • case t where t:T and T is an inductive type. This replaces all instances of t in the goal statement with all possible cases, as defined by the inductive type.

  • discriminate H where H:t1 = t2 e while t1 t2.

  • discriminate when the goal is t1 t2 while t1 t2. First, t1 t2 is equivalent to t1 = t2 False. Then the goal is to prove H:t1 = t2 False. Since t1 t2, we can define a function F:=(λ t:T. if t=t1 True and if t=t2 False) so that the goal becomes H:t1=t2 (F t2). Rewriting by the assumption H we obtain H:t1=t2 (F t1) that is H:t1=t2 True. Then trivial finishes the proof. This is the situation where False True and False False.

  • rewrite H if there is a hypothesis H:x=y then e e[x/y]

  • rewrite H if there is a hypothesis H:x=y then e e[y/x]

8 Module

  • Load

    • my_module.v can be loaded in the current context with command Load my_module.

    • compiling the module my_module.v by coqc creates a file my_module.vo that can be reloaded with Require Import my_module

    • when a new module N requires an old module M we use Require Export M in module N so that M is automatically visible when N is required.

9 Inductive definitions

Inductive month : Set :=
  January : month   | February : month | March : month
  | April : month   | May : month      | June : month
  | July : month    | August : month   | September : month
  | October : month | November : month | December : month.
Theorem month_equal :
  forall m:month,
    m=January \/ m=February \/ m=March \/ m=April \/
    m=May \/ m=June \/ m=July \/ m=August \/
    m=September \/ m=October \/ m=November \/ m=December.
  induction m; auto 12.
Check (fun b:bool => match b with true => 33 | false => 45 end).
Definition month_length (leap:bool) (m:month) : nat :=
  match m with
  | January => 31 | February => if leap then 29 else 28
  | March => 31   | April => 30    | May => 31  | June => 30
  | July => 31    | August => 31   | September => 30
  | October => 31 | November => 30 | December => 31
Fail Definition month_length : bool->month->nat :=
  fun (leap:bool) (m:month) => match m with January => 31 end.
Definition month_length' (leap:bool) :=
  month_rec (fun m:month => nat)
  31 (if leap then 29 else 28) 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31.
Definition month_length'' (leap:bool) (m:month) :=
  match m with
  | February => if leap then 29 else 28
  | April => 30 | June => 30 | September => 30 | November => 30
  | other => 31
Eval compute in (fun leap => month_length leap November).
Theorem length_february : month_length false February = 28.
Inductive plane : Set := point : Z->Z->plane.
Definition abscissa (p:plane) : Z :=
  match p with point x y => x end.
Reset plane.
Record plane : Set := point {abscissa : Z; ordinate : Z}.
Inductive vehicle : Set :=
| bicycle : nat->vehicle
| motorized : nat->nat->vehicle.
Definition nb_wheels (v:vehicle) : nat :=
  match v with
  | bicycle x => 2
  | motorized x n => n
Definition nb_seats (v:vehicle) : nat :=
  match v with
  | bicycle x => x
  | motorized x _ => x
Theorem at_least_28 :
  forall (leap:bool) (m:month), 28 <= month_length leap m.
  intros leap m; case m; simpl; auto with arith.
  case leap; auto with arith.
Definition next_month (m:month) :=
  match m with
    January => February  | February => March | March => April
  | April => May         | May => June       | June => July
  | July => August       | August => September
  | September => October | October => November
  | November => December | December => January
Theorem next_august_then_july:
  forall m:month, next_month m = August -> m=July.
  intro m; case m; simpl; intro Hnext_eq.
  Show 7.
  Show 1.
  discriminate Hnext_eq.
Theorem bicycle_eq_seats :
  forall x1 y1:nat, bicycle x1 = bicycle y1 -> x1 = y1.
  intros x1 y1 H.
  injection H.
Theorem next_march_shorter :
  forall (leap:bool) (m1 m2:month), next_month m1 = March ->
    month_length leap m1 <= month_length leap m2.
  intros leap m1 m2 H.
  case m1.
  Show 4.
Theorem next_march_shorter :
  forall (leap:bool) (m1 m2:month), next_month m1 = March ->
    month_length leap m1 <= month_length leap m2.
  intros leap m1 m2.
  case m1.
  Show 4.
Theorem next_march_shorter :
  forall (leap:bool) (m1 m2:month), next_month m1 = March ->
    month_length leap m1 <= month_length leap m2.
  intros leap m1 m2 H.
  generalize H.
Theorem test : forall (x y:nat), 0 <= x + y + y.
  generalize (x+y+y).
Theorem next_march_shorter :
  forall (leap:bool) (m1 m2:month), next_month m1 = March ->
    month_length leap m1 <= month_length leap m2.
  intros leap m1 m2 H.
  generalize (refl_equal m1).
Theorem plus_assoc :
  forall x y z:nat, (x+y)+z = x+(y+z).
  intros x y z.
  elim x.
  rewrite plus_O_n.
  rewrite plus_O_n.
  intros x' Hrec.
  Check plus_Sn_m.
  rewrite (plus_Sn_m x' y).
  rewrite (plus_Sn_m (x'+y) z).
  rewrite (plus_Sn_m x' (y+z)).
  rewrite Hrec.
Fixpoint mult2 (n:nat) : nat :=
  match n with 0 => 0 | S p => S (S (mult2 p)) end.
Fixpoint plus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
  match n with 0 => m | S p => S (plus p m) end.
Fixpoint iterate (A:Set) (f:A->A) (n:nat) (x:A) {struct n} : A :=
  match n with 0 => x | S p => f (iterate A f p x) end.
Inductive Z_btree : Set :=
  | Z_leaf : Z_btree
  | Z_bnode : Z -> Z_btree -> Z_btree -> Z_btree.
Fixpoint sum_all_values (t:Z_btree) : Z :=
  (match t with
   | Z_leaf => 0
   | Z_bnode v t1 t2 => v + sum_all_values t1 + sum_all_values t2
Fixpoint zero_present (t:Z_btree) : bool :=
  match t with
  | Z_leaf => false
  | Z_bnode (0%Z) t1 t2 => true
  | Z_bnode _ t1 t2 => if (zero_present t1) then true else zero_present t2
Fixpoint Psucc (x:positive) : positive :=
  match x with
  | xI x' => xO (Psucc x')
  | xO x' => xI x'
  | xH => 2%positive
Inductive Z_fbtree : Set :=
| Z_fleaf : Z_fbtree
| Z_fnode : Z -> (bool -> Z_fbtree) -> Z_fbtree.
Definition right_son (t:Z_btree) : Z_btree :=
  match t with
  | Z_leaf => Z_leaf
  | Z_bnode a t1 t2 => t2
Definition fright_son (t:Z_fbtree) : Z_fbtree :=
  match t with
  | Z_fleaf => Z_fleaf
  | Z_fnode a f => f false
Fixpoint fsum_all_values (t:Z_fbtree) : Z :=
  (match t with
   | Z_fleaf => 0
   | Z_fnode v f => v + fsum_all_values (f true) + fsum_all_values (f false)
   end )%Z.
Inductive Z_inf_branch_tree : Set :=
  Z_inf_leaf : Z_inf_branch_tree
| Z_inf_node : Z -> (nat -> Z_inf_branch_tree) -> Z_inf_branch_tree.
Fail Fixpoint n_sum_all_values (n:nat) (t:Z_inf_branch_tree) {struct t} : Z :=
  (match t with
     Z_inf_leaf => 0
   | Z_inf_node v f => v + sum_f n (fun x:nat => n_sum_all_values n (f x))
  end )%Z.
Theorem plus_assoc' : forall (x y z:nat), x+y+z=x+(y+z).
  intros x y z.
  elim x.
  intros n H.
  (** %(** ``\verb|rewrite H|'' would not work yet so we need *) *)
  rewrite H.
Definition mult2' : nat -> nat :=
  fix f (n:nat) : nat :=
    match n with
      0 => 0
    | S p => S (S (f p))
Require Import List.
Print list.
Check cons.

Fixpoint app (A:Set) (l m:list A) {struct l} : list A :=
  match l with
  | nil => m                          (** %(** not ``\verb|nil A => m|'' *) *)
  | cons a l1 => cons a (app A l1 m)  (** %(** not ``\verb|cons A a l1|'' nor ``\verb|(app l1 m)|''  *) *)
Print option.

Definition pred_option (n:nat) : option nat :=
  match n with
    0 => None       (** %(** ``\verb|pred_option|'' is not defined for 0 *) *)
  | S p => Some p
Definition pred2_option (n:nat) : option nat :=
  match pred_option n with
    None => None
  | Some p => pred_option p
Fixpoint nth_option (A:Set) (n:nat) (l:list A) {struct l} : option A :=
  match n, l with
    0, cons a t1 => Some a
  | S p, cons a t1 => nth_option A p t1
  | n, nil => None
Print prod.

Print fst.
Print sum.

Check (sum nat bool).

Check (inl bool 4).
Inductive ltree (n:nat) : Set :=
  lleaf : ltree n
| lnode : forall p:nat, p <= n -> ltree n -> ltree n -> ltree n.
Inductive sqrt_data (n:nat) : Set :=
  sqrt_intro : forall x:nat, x*x <= n -> n < (S x)*(S x) -> sqrt_data n.
Inductive htree (A:Set) : nat -> Set :=
  hleaf : A -> htree A 0
| hnode : forall n:nat, A -> htree A n -> htree A n -> htree A (S n).
Fixpoint htree_to_btree (n:nat) (t:htree Z n) {struct t} : Z_btree :=
  match t with
    hleaf _ x => Z_bnode x Z_leaf Z_leaf
  | hnode _ p v t1 t2 => Z_bnode v (htree_to_btree p t1) (htree_to_btree p t2)
Fixpoint invert (A:Set) (n:nat) (t:htree A n) {struct t} : htree A n :=
  match t in htree _ x return htree A x with
    hleaf _ v => hleaf A v
  | hnode _ p v t1 t2 => hnode A p v (invert A p t2) (invert A p t1)
Print Empty_set.

Check Empty_set_ind.
Inductive strange : Set :=
  cs : strange -> strange.

Theorem strange_empty : forall (x:strange), False.
intro x.
elim x.
Inductive even_line : nat -> Set :=
  even_empty_line : even_line 0
| even_step_line : forall (n:nat), even_line n -> even_line (S (S n)).

Check even_empty_line.

Check even_step_line _ even_empty_line.

Check even_step_line _ (even_step_line _ even_empty_line).

Check even_line 3.